Welcome to Victoriana's Lace TeaRoom & Dressmakers Cottage. When searching for all the information on the next Victorian Cottages, I realized the Storyline had ceased, as usually does after the third Image, So you will have to Imagine the story now yourself as you view, For More information, be sure to see the other Victoriana Cottages by Clicking their Link Above, May Cottage gives you the History, & beginning of the Storyline, & Rose Manor for as far as the Storyline was Developed. I thought on this Page you would enjoy the Brochures, my Paintings for these two structures, and the Blueprints as they arrived for approval. Also New Photos of the Village of Victoriana itself! There will be Two more pages after this one of Gingerbread Merchentile, The Toy Shoppe, Dove Chapel where Charles & Felicity are Married, & on set of Gazebo with the family in the River, having a Picnic. Enjoy! Corinne Layton
Victoriana, Lace Tea Room & Dressmakers Cottage
Blessings to you! Love Corinne Layton